Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Another Fat Guy Blogging About Weight Loss Plans

Why blog about this?

Yep, this is another entry going out to the blogosphere about someone's weight problem and what they're going to do to get in shape.  There are probably 1,000s of blogs out there which are better written, more inspiring and highly informative.  So, this undertaking really isn't for everyone else, its for me. 

It's my situation that brings me here.  Being alone, I really don't have someone around to tell me to stop doing things that I shouldn't.  There's no one here to say, 'get off Facebook' or 'don't eat that' or 'let's go do something today'.  I sit here and eat and add calories to my mass instead of burning them off.  Those moments where I do go out and try to be active are getting harder and harder each time because I'm not maintaining my health in between.  Ideally, I would have a drill instructor next to me 24/7 for the next 4 weeks yelling at me until I've adopted new, permanent and good habits.

I hope that by making this public, it might make me a more responsible member of society.  Therefore, I'll feel like I owe status updates to the world showing improvement over time.

Where am I at today?

I'm 39 years old, 6'0" tall and 56" around the gut at the belly button.  I weighed 337 lbs on Monday morning.  Right now, my heart is beating hard, which I believe is due to the martini I had with dinner.  This has been happening off and on for the past 2 weeks, so I'm going to have to put the alcohol away for the rest of the year.  If this doesn't do it, I'll re-attempt getting someone at the VA to follow through with scheduling a doctors appointment for me.

I walked a round trip of 1.5 miles out to the of the Seal Beach pier twice today and have made that my goal for every day.  Well, at least I've put it on my calendar.  The only pain I feel is my lower back and achilles.  The ankles will feel better as I stretch each time after walking and the back will improve if I actually do this each day.  I also did some crunches and push ups.  I have my Fitbit and will first seek 10,000 steps/day and then strive for 12,500 steps/day.  I'll also log my activity in Fitocracy.

For the past several weeks I've been eating all the crap I've had in my apartment without replacing it.  I've also enjoyed a few meals at various restaurants that I like.  Only this time, each meal that I've had, I consciously enjoyed it as if it was the last time I was ever going to eat that thing.  So what's left?  I still have the stuff to make 2 or 3 more peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.  And the remainder of the food that I have is fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, berries, eggs, juice and yogurt.  Drinks include some orange juice, coffee, ginger ale, Monster energy, tea, Gatorade and several bottles of liquor.  My plan is to for now on, only buy the least processed food that I can without being ridiculous about it.  Caffeine will be the last thing to go if at all.  Once I get down to just having fruits, vegetables and good source of protein, I'll begin a transition to where juicing and smoothies dominate my diet.

1 comment:

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