Friday, July 27, 2012

Day 2

Woke up thinking about food.  Going to make a very light green tea to reduce caffeine intake.  Can feel movement and gurgling in my intestines.

By 11 AM, I found myself looking forward to having one of the juices that I made earlier in the day.  Hopefully this means that my fatguy personality is beginning to accept that its not going to get cheeseburger or taco anytime soon.  And now its looking forward to anything with more flavor than lemon water.

Wasted about an hour of my afternoon on youtube videos, looking up random things on the internet and checking for facebook updates.  As I did these things my desire to quit the fast increased.  I find myself thinking, "your an adult you can do want you want."   And "who made up these rules anyway, you did, so you can break them and since no one else knows about this fast no one will know that you quit."  Which means I 1) should tell some that might care.  2) finish my blog articles and publish them. And 3) get off my ass and stop succumbing to my vices.  Clearly, the sedentary lifestyle beckons me to consume food.

I also think that I'm lead to satisfy one vice (surfing the net) it opens the door to my entertaining other vices (eating and more surfing).  But when I'm accomplishing goals it motivates me to accomplish more goals. 

By later afternoon there much more gurgling and movement in my gut.  Also, I started having a short mild headaches which go away after a couple minutes.  Probably need to drink more water I think.  Although I am consuming ~1 gallon of water per day.

By the end of the evening I was having more frequent headaches and started to feel very light headed.  I decided to stop after two days.  The thing about is that I don't feel like a looser for doing so.  I feel good that I was able to go for two days.  Furthermore on my way back to the apartment I didn't feel like going to some fast food place either.  So its sort of like I have 2 half-wins.  I was good with eating a sensible meal without over indulging.  Which gives me pause to think that maybe this is a good pattern to follow, perhaps I should juice for two days each week.

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